CATEGORIES: Learning | Motivation | Thinking

10 Simple Words That Should Drive Your Business & Life

by | April 27, 2022

My Dad was a man of few words but a great deal of wisdom. He had this picture frame over his desk in his home office that had a rebel cartoon soldier standing there looking very serious like he was barking an order to the troops with the words, “Class Tells And Shit Smells! There Is No Gray Inbetween!” printed underneath it. At the time I had no clue what those words meant until I was about 16 years old and I asked him what they mean.

He said in everything you do in life, do it the best you can and at a higher level than the rest of those around you can do because anything less is just not up to par. He is so true in those few words of wisdom. I have tried to do that with everything I do. While you will never be able to be perfect you should strive for it. I believe that when you start something you sometimes have to just start ugly and not perfect.  Waiting on perfect to happen means your ideas and dreams will never happen. Getting started with the goal in mind of being the best is what my Dad always encouraged me to do.

My Dad expected of himself and of me, was to do my best and not accept it being done half-assed when doing anything. I can say that almost everything I have done since would make my Dad proud but in those times I didn’t do my best he never judged me He helped me to discover why it didn’t meet the standard and to find ways to keep it from happening again.

I would like to hear some of your favorite sayings that have impacted your life.  Please share!


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