60 Days And Still Posting

by | May 21, 2022

Okay! I need to be honest this is hard! Keeping the brain engaged when life gets in the way has been a real challenge for me. Have I enjoyed it? Mmmm… Maybe not the doing but I do enjoy the result. While I may pull content from other sources it has resulted in some positive results as well.

Here are just a few of the things I have learned along the way:

  • Managing my time and calendar better
  • Watching less TV (I don’t think I missed a thing)
  • My mind is more engaged
  • I am discovering how I feel about things
  • I have enjoyed sharing parts of me out into the world
  • I have had a few interesting and thought-provoking discussions I will be adding soon
  • I am getting more accomplished every day
  • Did I mention I am sleeping better?

All this and more is all one person’s fault!! Should I hate him for the challenge he threw out to the world? Nope! I willingly took it on! If it wasn’t for Mickey Mellen and his 500 consecutive days of posting I may not have started. He is right about the fact that if you do it your clarity of thought is enhanced and I feel that I am on the road to being a very good rigorous thinker!


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