Have You Ever Been Off Balance On Purpose?

Have You Ever Been Off Balance On Purpose?

The world tells us that everything needs to be in balance in our lives, relationships, families, and with the world, no matter what it appears that you must have balance to be normal, sane, and productive. I am going to throw a curveball into that way of thinking for...
Video vs. Words

Video vs. Words

I will be the first to admit it but I do not like reading. If there is a Cliff Notes version of the book then that is what I will read to save time. If there is a movie around the book then the movie wins.  I think that has to do with the fact that men are visual when...
Fishing & Marketing Are Exactly Alike!

Fishing & Marketing Are Exactly Alike!

There is a real correlation between fishing and marketing believe it or not. Stick with me you’re going to see the exact correlation here in just a minute. Well, let me explain how i came upon this revelation or this aha moment. Basically, I’m an obsessed...
Posting Every Day!

Posting Every Day!

I have to admit that posting something every day is a challenge but it is also it going better than I thought as far as the information I need to have sourced for future posts. So this is a short post to keep the streak going!
The History of April Fools’ Day!

The History of April Fools’ Day!

April Fools’ Day— the first day of April, has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, though its exact origins remain a mystery. April Fools’ Day traditions include playing hoaxes or practical jokes on others, often yelling “April Fools!” at the...