Martin Luther King Never Had A Dream!! For Real!

Martin Luther King Never Had A Dream!! For Real!

Wait! Don’t hate me yet! I can explain.  At the risk of upsetting the black community, what if I told you I don’t think Martin Luther King had an actual dream, but the dream had him.  Think about what I just said for a minute. You see I don’t believe...
Are You A “Kinda” Type Person?

Are You A “Kinda” Type Person?

Have you ever thought about what appears in the night to steal our dreams from us? There is actually a thief in your mind if you will who is after your dreams.  He goes by the name of doubt! If you should see him you need to call the cops because he has killed more...
Trying Verses Doing!

Trying Verses Doing!

In my case, I can try to write something every day, or I will write every day. I can try to eat better, or I will eat better. I can say to myself that I should try to get started on that big project at work that’s is so scary exciting, or I can just start. I can try...
The Main Difference Between the Moon And The Stars!

The Main Difference Between the Moon And The Stars!

I know what you are thinking. Isn’t it obvious the difference between the two? I mean the true definition of a moon is the earth’s natural satellite that shines by the sun’s reflected light, revolves around the earth from west to east in about 29¹/₂...