19 Must-Have Marketing Tools to Give Your Business Wings

19 Must-Have Marketing Tools to Give Your Business Wings

Are you looking for ways to improve your online marketing strategy? Want a list of tools that can help you at every stage of your marketing campaigns? Red Web Design share 19 marketing tools you should try in this infographic. Here’s who makes the list: HubSpot’s Blog...
Are You Chasing Your Hero?

Are You Chasing Your Hero?

Growing up I had my own heroes that I wanted to be just like. They were people like Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and recently Elon Musk.  Let me be clear, I do not agree with everything they have done or what they necessarily believe but you can’t discount what they...
Are Life’s Delays Good or Bad?

Are Life’s Delays Good or Bad?

Sometimes we’re not that good with time. We either have too much time or not enough depending on any given day or the project we are trying to get done. Many times we have no control over the delays due to money, circumstances, our attitude, and our belief systems. We...
You Just Need to Make The Time

You Just Need to Make The Time

In today’s business world time is the single most valuable asset we have as a company and as an individual. I heard recently that there are actually only 2000 hours a year of pay time to make the sales and profit your company needs to make to meet its...