Are You A Boss Or A Leader?

Are You A Boss Or A Leader?

Stop right now and focus! Are you a boss, or are you a leader? I bet you are thinking that they are the same, then you definitely will want to keep reading! What would happen to our business if you were more than a boss to the people you manage and coach? You know,...
We Are What We Focus On

We Are What We Focus On

I remember one of my professors in college telling me that your thoughts are what you feed the most. Focus on the good and good thoughts will follow. Bad thoughts and… well you may not want to go there. The best part is we get to choose how we want to think and...
The Coyote’s Anguish

The Coyote’s Anguish

This is from a recent blog post done by Seth Godin.  I thought it was so very true since grew up with Wiley Coyote and shared his never-ending frustration in trying shortcuts to reaching my goals!  It took a few gimmicks and hitting a few walls early in my career that...
Just How Smart Are You?

Just How Smart Are You?

I have often wondered just how smart I really am. Grades in school are somewhat of an indicator but I feel it’s not the entire story. I don’t think that “smart” is all about how much you have memorized something. It’s much more! Smart is no...