Exclamation Mark!

My Goal: For You to Become a Rigorous Thinker
A New Adventure Is About To Begin!

A New Adventure Is About To Begin!

Ok now I know you are going to think I am one crazy person but I am about to join the "5 AM CLUB" beginning this morning! For those who don’t know, the 5 AM Club is a concept started by Robin Sharma where you wake up at 5 AM, do twenty-minutes...

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10 Steps to Higher Ranking Posts

10 Steps to Higher Ranking Posts

Are you looking for ways to improve your blog's SEO footprint? Here are a few ways to optimize your blog posts and rank higher on Google? The Savvy Couple share their blog SEO tips in this infographic. Here’s a quick summary: Use your main keyword...

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Is There Such Thing As Luck?

Is There Such Thing As Luck?

Do you feel like you are a lucky person? Or would you classify yourself as unlucky? There may be people you will meet in your life who always seem to be on a lucky streak, get the best breaks, and opportunity is always showing up for them while you...

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Is The Next Generation Letter Coming or Is It?

Is The Next Generation Letter Coming or Is It?

Naming generations has been happening for what seems to be a very long time. Demographers use generation letters to begin a relevant conversation about the changes they see happening around us. Please note that a birth range doesn’t guarantee an...

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TikTok Marketers You Should Follow

TikTok Marketers You Should Follow

TikTok has become a viable marketing platform with just about every vertical authority spokesperson you can imagine.  Some are great and well need work but here are a few of those that I follow. Simon Lancaster(@user9592570802924) -  is a...

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