Exclamation Mark!
The Word IMPossible Means More Than You Think!
Have you ever heard someone in your life say what you are trying to do or to accomplish is "Impossible!" that implies it can not be done at all, no way, no how! Well... I will have to disagree with that definition just a wee bit. I believe that the...
Life’s Triple “A” Theory – A.A.A.
Many people may remember a famous motivational speaker by the name of Zig Ziglar. He has written many books and I had the pleasure of having lunch with him many years ago when he was in Atlanta to speak at an event. What you saw in the videos and...
Are You A Lazy Thinker?
I recently heard Wes Kao co-founder of Maven on a YouTube replay talk about Lazy thinking versus rigorous thinking and I have to admit I have been a lazy thinker at times in my life and with decisions I have made. Basically, a lazy thinker is...
Kindle Has Made Me A Reader Again
When I was growing up reading was something that I enjoyed but only if it had to do with sports, cars, photography, business, personal growth, and the outdoors. I read several great books along the way but not by choice, they were assigned to me as...
Why Am I Doing a Daily Post?
Why am I committing to doing a daily post 7 days a week when I am as busy as I have been lately. Many doubt that I can do it but many have also have encouraged me to try. It has really fascinated me as to why people like Seth Godin and a friend of...