CATEGORIES: Business | Marketing

Fishing & Marketing Are Exactly Alike!

by | April 03, 2022

There is a real correlation between fishing and marketing believe it or not. Stick with me you’re going to see the exact correlation here in just a minute. Well, let me explain how i came upon this revelation or this aha moment. Basically, I’m an obsessed fisherman and if you’ve known me for any length of time you know that’s pretty much all talk about besides that and marketing.
Everything you need to know about fishing is mission-critical in order to catch fish It’s really not unlike us trying to find the right customer for our business.  We’ve got to know where they live, where they play what drives them to do what they do in order to effectively cast our marketing material out to them and, excuse the pun, hook them and reel them in to become customers.

It really became evident to me when during the day I was sitting there listening to Hank Parker which is a legend in fishing he’s been on TV for 35 years and has won this event twice! My “Ah-Ha” moment came when he mentioned the questions he gets most often is, “I’m fishing a lake I’ve never fished before, where do I start? that is when the lights came on in my head!

You know we get asked as marketers all the time, “Where do I start marketing my business and how do I do it?”  Hank made a very interesting observation when he said, “Once you understand the behavior of the fish (aka your potential customers) then you know how to cast to them and how to locate them.” so it has got me thinking about doing a series on Marketing: From The Fish’s Point of View! 

Stay tuned! More episodes to come!


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