CATEGORIES: Brainset | Motivation | Thinking

Have You Ever Been Off Balance On Purpose?

by | April 05, 2022

The world tells us that everything needs to be in balance in our lives, relationships, families, and with the world, no matter what it appears that you must have balance to be normal, sane, and productive. I am going to throw a curveball into that way of thinking for you today.  What if you could be happier off-balance to live a better life?

I know you are saying that “Mark you have got to be crazy!” Hold on, let me explain. I have been reading a book by Dan Thurman, Off Balance On Purpose: Embrace Uncertainty and Create A Life You Love! I have to say it has been a life changer and a stress reliever by reading this simple book. This one line from the book, “You will never achieve perfect balance. And neither will I. Frankly, I have given up trying to live my life “on balance.”,  was a great relief to me. I finally didn’t have to try every day to be balanced in others eyes just my own in ways that got me excited.

One of the points in the book talks about how people think a tight rope walker must have amazing balance when actually they don’t many times. It is all inthe training to not look at your feet or the wire but look to other side and focus on that. The walker makes tiny micro adjustments to their footing, arms and legs to keep them upright constantly as they traverse the wire. What if you did that as well with you own life and give yourself a break to realize you will never achieve perfect balance but those tiny micro adjustments everyday gets us closer to that balance the makes life flow.

Be sure to add this book to your must read list because it is full of the things we need to make our lives better and and to give ourselves a break as we live our lives as blanced as we can!



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