CATEGORIES: Brainset | General | Thinking

Is There Such Thing As Luck?

by | April 11, 2022

Do you feel like you are a lucky person? Or would you classify yourself as unlucky? There may be people you will meet in your life who always seem to be on a lucky streak, get the best breaks, and opportunity is always showing up for them while you constantly feel like you are on the receiving end of bad fortune constantly. Many argue that luck is a product of hard work, a good mindset, and a positive perspective on the events that occur in your life, while others believe that people are born just naturally luckier than others. It can even feel that it might be dictated by a higher power. But what does it mean to be lucky? Is luck a real thing or is it a product of superstition?

Have you ever looked at someone and said to yourself, “They are so lucky that they get to do or have X!” the dictionary defines it as, “Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions.” The Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And while many people agree that luck does create some level of opportunity – a chance meeting that leads to a job interview, a boss quitting unexpectedly, or meeting with a person/company that has a problem you can solve the very first time you meet with them. Being in the right place at the right time is not luck is all of the hours and hours of preparation you have done to be ready for this moment.

What does the word “luck” mean to you? Are you lucky to be alive in this perfect place and time in your life! However, you may define it I believe you can control your luck and your own destiny through hard work, discipline, and commitment. Please share the lucky moments in your life even if you can’t explain them.


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