CATEGORIES: Brainset | General | Thinking

Life From A Buffalo’s Point Of View

by | March 26, 2022

The American bison (Bison bison), is an American species of bison that once roamed North America in vast herds. Bison are often called buffalo, though this term is also used to refer to other bovines. At one point their range could be spotted in Georgia to New York at one point, the Great Plains and so much more. They are majestic animals up close. I have seen several herds of buffalo in Yellowstone National Park they are amazing. I have sat and watched them for hours.

For the most part, they have a great life in the Park and where you see them on the plains. The one thing I love about them is how they handle a problem. Case in point there was a big storm one year in the Lamar River Valey in Yellowstone Park.  It started raining hard on the herd and the next thing I saw was the entire herd heading directly into the storm at full steam. As I followed in my car they kept going at a good pace until they were beyond the storm. Nearly a two-mile trot for roughly 75 to 100 buffalo charging into a storm to come out on the other side where the sun was shining and a fresh patch of grass as well as a whole new perspective on the day now that the problem is gone.

How many times have we come upon a storm in our lives and we end up taking shelter from it, trying to go around the problem or completely avoid it totally. Next time a problem comes your way do what they do and head straight for the storm and get through it as fast as you can because the other side of the storm is oftentimes amazing!

Please, like, subscribe, and comment for me.  How do you deal with the storms that come your way?


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