CATEGORIES: Learning | Thinking

Life’s Triple “A” Theory – A.A.A.

by | March 24, 2022

Many people may remember a famous motivational speaker by the name of Zig Ziglar. He has written many books and I had the pleasure of having lunch with him many years ago when he was in Atlanta to speak at an event. What you saw in the videos and in person was the same man that sat with the two of us enjoying a bit to eat before he spoke to a large group.

We talked about a great many things including raising children. His advice was simple and to the point. He said that 80% of children that are taken to church on a regular basis stay out of trouble and grow up to live a happy life. The keyword for me was taken to church! It reminded me of my Catholic upbringing where my Dad gave me no option on Sunday that church was even an option to not attend. Even the times I was sick and I told him I may die if I went to church, my Dad would just laugh as he told me that if that would happen that I need not worry since I would be at church then as well. LOL! Thanks to my Dad and a few other things along the way church has always been a vital part of my life and my kids’ lives to this day.

But the one thing that Zig said that day is something I have yet to forget! He said, “Mark it is your Attitude, not your Aptitude, that determines your Altitude in life!”  He is right 100%. Thus I have labeled that simple phrase the Triple A Theory. I don’t think Zig would mind me doing that. Just look back at the times your attitude pulled you through difficult to uncertain times you have faced. No matter the circumstance your attitude can overcome just about anything. I know I have overcome a great many things because my attitude is always positive and optimistic no matter the circumstances I am facing.

So the next time life throws you a curveball remember that it is your A. A. A. as a way to overcome it and not necessarily how smart you are. In the end, the altitude you will end up at will be beyond what you can imagine!

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