Many Say There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence. How About You?

by | April 08, 2022

Do you really believe that there is such a thing as a coincidence when it comes to the things that happen to us good or bad. Yes even the bad things!  I subscribe to the fact that there is no such thing as coincidence in the world. I mean haven’t you meet that person that just happens to make a comment to you that either answered a problem you were having or gave you the right advice you needed to make the right decision? I know I have. I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as coincidence.

People and things are put in your path for a reason. My feeling is they are there to help us grow and become the person God intendent us to become. Now here is the catch! We have a choice to listen or pass this events by as nothing important. I suggest you take is seriously especially when it comes to the people you meet on your journey of life. Some of the closest people in my life were front what most would dismiss a a chance meeting. God puts these people in our paths to helps us grow, learn and expand who and what we are.

Then, if you are luck you just might meet your soul make along the way. Many think that that sort of thing is only found in novels. Wouldn’t hat be amazing to meet our soulmate!  A soul mate, who we usually think that only exists in novels, is actually existing in this real world.

To most people, a soulmate is a person that stays by your side forever. That person is also idealized as the one who completes you and makes your life better than it once was. This may be true in some respects, but in others it isn’t. Could it be by chance, destiny or coincidence that they appear in your life for no apparent reason.

So what is a soulmate? There are many things to define a soulmate.

A soulmate is your best friend. They are also your romantic and sexual partner.

A soulmate is your mirror which reflects your own flaws, insecurities, dreams, and strengths to help you become a better person as you grow older. You can totally believe in your soulmate, even to the point of not sparing your feelings, since they care about you that much.

A soulmate is your spiritual catalyst. They actually do not complete you; they help you to become a better version of yourself constantly. They are the ones that challenge you and hold you accountable for who you are and who you are becoming!

A soulmate is your confidant and teacher. He/She understands you deeply. Soulmates also make powerful confidants, help you through tough times and inspiring you to do and be your best.

My suggestion is to take the time to get the know those special people that you connect with instantly. Those are the ones that get you and can help you through life from one short encounter or a lifetime of helping you become the person God intended you to become!



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