CATEGORIES: Brainset | General | Learning | Thinking

Routines: I Hate Them! Don’t You?

by | April 07, 2022

The older I get the more my days seem to be more routine and uneventful. We have our special routine in the morning when we get up and one as we wind down before we sleep. We set the thermostat in our home and car at the level that makes us comfortable. Then we head off to a job and we drive the same route every time on the way to work and then on the way back to our home. Just about everything in our lives is routine or based on habits we have formed over the years.

I have to say I am not a fan of routines but they help establish calm and predictability in my life. It makes the mornings easier and going to sleep that much better. The thing I love the most is those special routines that are event-oriented, especially the ones on the weekend. My favorite one was when you get up early on Saturday morning with the kids at dark thirty so you can head out to the lake to go fishing or head for the woods to go hunting.  I loved those mornings with my boys because we would stop off at Waffle House for their famous All-Star breakfast or Dunkin for a jolt of sugar.

So I am willing to admit that some routines are good! What routines are the ones you hate?


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