CATEGORIES: General | Brainset | Thinking

The Word IMPossible Means More Than You Think!

by | March 25, 2022

Have you ever heard someone in your life say what you are trying to do or to accomplish is “Impossible!” that implies it can not be done at all, no way, no how! Well… I will have to disagree with that definition just a wee bit. I believe that the word “Impossible” is actually a positive word full of “Possibilities!” It really comes down to how you spell it and how you read it. Let me explain.

Try spelling impossible this way instead, “IMPossible!” Then you have to note that the word now means, “If Motivate Possible!”  For me, it makes a huge difference in how I see the word as it applies to everything I am doing.  Many of the things I have attempted and accomplished I was told were impossible to do or make happen. To the naysayers maybe, I just put the word “IMPossible” at the top of my goal sheets and I knew I had a better than average chance at making it a reality.

It really comes home when you watch your youngest son grab a hold of this word at an early age. From a high school baseball star to now serving in the US Navy as a Lieutenant, not to mention an ER doctor to boot. From high school, college, med school, and his ER residency I watched him do the IMPossible regularly. Did I mention as a first-semester freshman he pledged a fraternity, did Air Force ROTC, and pledged the Arnold Air society at the same time? I did ask him if he ever slept? His reply was, “Not much!”  But what came out of his mouth next made me realize he got it. He understood that you can never tell me something can not be done if I am motivated to make it happen.

He said, “Dad I am discovering things about myself I didn’t know I was capable of doing.” l realized at that moment he was definitely in the zone. I told him just wait, you will be amazed at what you will accomplish in your lifetime if believe that everything is “IMPossible!”  The things he has done in med school and in the Navy make a Dad proud but to watch a young man discover so much about what has been put in him by the creator is so exciting to watch. The best part is I get to watch him from the front row as well as his older brother do so much from a simple belief in their own possibilities.

So my challenge is, what desire or dream do you have that is “IMPossible!”? Write it down and get started. It will be very ugly at first but in the end, you will discover so much about yourself, the people around you, and the fact one person can actually change the world. The time is right now! Don’t put it off another second. Go and achieve the “IMPossible!”

Please, like, comment, and follow. I would love for you to share your own personal “IMPossible!” story here!


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