CATEGORIES: Brainset | Learning | Thinking

Trying Verses Doing!

by | March 29, 2022

In my case, I can try to write something every day, or I will write every day. I can try to eat better, or I will eat better. I can say to myself that I should try to get started on that big project at work that’s is so scary exciting, or I can just start. I can try to be a better listener and I try to be a more attentive, present parent… Or I will just do it.

I have found myself storing my commitments in a nice neat box of “try”.  The result is I have given myself room to not actually follow through on anything I will try. The best part is when I drop the “try”, the truth lights up. Will I simply do it or not is the real question? By the way, just so you know there are no points for just trying! I know, I checked.

Where in my life do I need to drop “try” and just do it is what I am constantly working on becoming a habit? How many times in real life have we said that to our kids, significant other, or even our boss, “I will try to…?” Don’t answer that! It is way too many times for myself. Ok, so after 8 days of trying to post every day, I now know I can do it and make it 500 days straight. See you at the end sooner than you think!


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