CATEGORIES: General | Learning

Why Am I Doing a Daily Post?

by | March 21, 2022

Why am I committing to doing a daily post 7 days a week when I am as busy as I have been lately. Many doubt that I can do it but many have also have encouraged me to try. It has really fascinated me as to why people like Seth Godin and a friend of mine Mickey Mellen has taken on this challenge. It wasn’t until I read Mickey’s post a few days ago on LinkedIn that he published a total of 500 days in a row that I understood why he and others are doing it!  It just made sense. By the way, if you are not following Mickey you should! Just go here and sign up!

His comment was, “My main purpose for writing is clarity of thought, and it’s working. I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I’m much closer to that goal than I was. I’ll never get there, but I’m enjoying the ride toward it.” Plus he shared where he is getting his inspirations from to post. The clarity of thought is what got me motivated. Plus I can share my point of view and get input from followers that I hope will agree or disagree with my assessments. I am hoping you will be willing to share their point of view on many of the topics I will share. Plus I thought this would be great practice in writing a book I have been outlining for several years as well. I will keep you posted on the book at some point.

The first thing you need to be aware of is my grammar may not be perfect but due to spell check, my spelling is perfection. So, by all means, correct me please in a loving nurturing way. The second thing is this is giving me a renewed sense of reading and discovery about myself, people, technology and so many other things that have my interest. You will also see many references to the outdoors, fishing, and hunting that I will tie into my thoughts. This is due to my obsession to be in the outdoors since I was very young.

So I hope you will subscribe, comment, and share your insights with me as I embark on this adventure. I am looking forward to meeting new people and getting to know you along this journey together.


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